Starfield credits are hard to come by at the beginning of the game, but there are some ways to farm money fast. Picking up everything of value on the scanner can be worth your time, particularly any item that’s worth a high number of credits. But that can fill your pack quickly with objects you may or may not need, causing you to waste time doing inventory management. On the other hand, you’ll need credits to purchase medical supplies, ammo, and any expensive ship that might catch your eye. Here’s how to get credits quickly in Starfield.
![Starfield: a profile shot of someone in a spacesuit sat in a pilot seat.](
![Starfield: a spaceship flying behind an astronaut's shoulder.](
![Starfield: the player walking through the muddy streets of Akila City.](
How to get Starfield credits fast
The following are the primary ways to gain credits fast in the game:
- Selling guns – Most human enemies you face will drop a gun of some kind when they are slain. Guns consistently have a lot of value compared to their weight, usually somewhere of 1 weight to 1000 credits.
- Selling equipment – Though not as consistently valuable in comparison to guns, there are some boost packs, helmets, and spacesuits that are also valued at about 1 weight to 1000 credits.
- Selling ammo – This is especially crucial for melee and unarmed builds that don’t require any ammo. Picking up ammo is great anyway since they don’t have any weight in the game, but selling them gives you a lot of extra credits.
- Selling contraband – Until you have shielded cargo on your ship, you will need to ignore contraband (an item with a yellow square), despite it being . Following the UC Vanguard storyline so you can join the Crimson Fleet is the best way to find ship parts that will add shielded capacity to your cargo. Once that happens, you can sell contraband to the Trade Authority for a lot of credits.
As you can tell, looting in general is the fastest means of gaining credits. It’s even better if you have the Barter skill so that you can sell items at a higher rate. As you continue to level, you’ll encounter more difficult enemies with better guns and armor. Completing quests and surveying planets can also earn you credits, but they tend to take longer than looting in general.
Starfield farm credits FAQ
A: One of the most efficient ways to gather credits is by looting and selling items. Selling guns, equipment like boost packs, helmets, and spacesuits, as well as ammo can yield a high return, particularly since guns and certain equipment can often be sold at a rate of 1 weight to 1000 credits.
A: Absolutely. While initially, you might have to avoid contraband due to lack of shielded cargo, following the UC Vanguard storyline to join the Crimson Fleet can help you obtain ship parts that provide shielded cargo capacity. Once equipped, you can sell contraband to the Trade Authority for a substantial amount of credits.
A: Yes, having the Barter skill can be beneficial as it allows you to sell items at increased rates. Moreover, as you level up and face tougher adversaries, they tend to drop higher-quality guns and armor which can be sold for more credits. While completing quests and surveying planets do earn you credits, looting usually offers a faster return.